My Bond ring signifies my perseverance towards achieving the life that I’ve always wanted to live. 

Prior to Bond I had a thriving career in Advertising. I am the recipient of several business awards, travelled across North America to represent my College, pitched my business idea to investors and even won a grant to launch Bond. I am grateful to have met hundreds of incredible people who believed in me and my mission. It empowered me to pursue my calling in life. 

By creating a bond with yourself, your goals and your community, you tap into an inner-power that will allow you to fulfill the life-long dreams living inside of you. 

What does success mean for you?

I want to help you set the right goals and intentions for yourself, living a life that is in alignment with your purpose. I encourage you to join our community and connect with like-minded women around the world that are on the same path as you. 


Accomplishing our goals and living our 'dream' life might look hard, and sure we might have bumps along the way, but sometimes all we need is a real reminder of what we are working towards and why.

When we set the right goals for our life, we have taken the first step towards that dream life. I also know it’s much easier to commit to our goals when we have accountability. And who says that accountability can’t be elegant? 

It wasn't long enough that I started to develop a meaningful, one of a kind jewelry brand. 

And in 2020 I pitched my business idea to investors and won a grant to launch We Bond.

My Story

a bond starts with you

Create a bond with yourself today.


Julie Alsayed


For many years I wore what people thought was an ‘engagement’ ring on my hand.

But here’s the secret...

I wasn’t engaged to a person. I was engaged to my goals and aspirations. 

Our thoughts hold magic and power

it empowered
me to
pursue my

I am here to inspire driven people all around the world to form authentic connections with themselves and one another + commit to their dreams, in order to live a life filled with joy and soulful purpose. 

My Bond ring signifies my perseverance towards achieving the life that I’ve always wanted to live. 

Prior to Bond I had a thriving career in Advertising. I am the recipient of several business awards, travelled across North America to represent my College, pitched my business idea to investors and even won a grant to launch Bond. I am grateful to have met hundreds of incredible people who believed in me and my mission. It empowered me to pursue my calling in life. 

By creating a bond with yourself, your goals and your community, you tap into an inner-power that will allow you to fulfill the life-long dreams living inside of you. 

What does success mean for you?

I want to help you set the right goals and intentions for yourself, living a life that is in alignment with your purpose. I encourage you to join our community and connect with like-minded women around the world that are on the same path as you. 

My Story

a bond starts with you

Create a bond with yourself today.

your goals and your community, you tap into an inner-power that will allow you to fulfill the life-long dreams living inside of you.


Do you want to set the right goals, feel empowered and committed? I believe that you can and I am here to help you get there!

Jewelry is only the first step of
what I want to create.

I'm developing a community full of like-minded people around the world who are on the same path as you. 

by creating a bond
with yourself,

Let the bonds your make, inspire you and fulfill your purpose.