How Your Environment Shapes Your Journey to Your Goals

Filed in featured, Goal Setting  /  November 13, 2021 /

Every action you take is like a vote for the type of person you want to become. 

James Clear

This quote, often attributed to author James Clear, encapsulates the power of habits in shaping our identities. The things we do on a daily basis, even the small and seemingly insignificant ones, add up to create a picture of who we are and what we value.

Jewelry and Goals

For many women, jewelry serves as a symbol of empowerment and self-expression. In particular, gold or silver rings have become a popular accessory for those seeking to make a statement. Whether it’s a simple band or a bold statement piece, a gold ring can be a tangible reminder of our goals and aspirations.

How do we turn our aspirations into lasting habits?

According to Clear, the key is to focus on the systems that support our goals rather than the goals themselves. We do not rise to the level of our goals, he argues, but rather we follow the set of systems we create to achieve them.

One of the most important elements of these systems is the cue the visual or sensory reminder that prompts us to take action. In the context of habit formation, a cue might be something as simple as leaving your workout clothes by the door so you see them first thing in the morning. Or, if your goal is to write every day, your cue might be setting out your notebook and pen on your desk the night before.

The key to effective cues:

  • Make them obvious and available.
  • They should be visible and catch your attention so that they prompt action.
  • If you want to make a habit a part of your life, make the cue a part of your environment.

Of course, even the most effective cue won’t lead to lasting change without the right response. This is where the craving comes in. The craving is the desire or urge that drives us to take action. For example, if your cue is seeing your workout clothes by the door, the craving might be the desire to feel energized and healthy.

To make your response to the craving simpler and more convenient, Clear suggests breaking down your desired habit into small, manageable steps. If you’re trying to establish a daily writing practice, for example, start with just 10 minutes a day and gradually increase the time as the habit becomes more established.

Finally, to ensure that your habit sticks, it’s important to make the reward satisfying. In other words, you want to create a positive association between the habit and the feeling of accomplishment or pleasure. This might mean treating yourself to a special piece of jewelry, like a gold ring, once you’ve established your new habit.

But how do we stay consistent with our habits over the long term?

Clear suggests a few strategies. First, he notes that the process of mastery requires us to get comfortable with boredom. As we repeat the same actions day in and day out, novelty and surprise decrease. To combat this, we can make our challenge interesting by setting new goals or by trying new variations in our habits. The key, though, is to stay within the bounds of what we’re capable of achieving so that we don’t become discouraged.

Another strategy for staying consistent is to create a supportive social environment. Joining groups where the desired behavior is the norm can help us stay dedicated to our goals. For example, if you’re trying to establish a daily writing habit, joining a writing group can provide accountability and support.

Ultimately, the goal of habit formation is to create a collection of habits that move us in the direction of our desired identity. For many women, the symbol of commitment is a jewelry ring – a tangible reminder of the strength and empowerment that comes from creating lasting habits.

So, here’s what you need to remember:

  1. Cue – Create visual cues that remind you of the new habits you are trying to create

It is a visual cue that gets your attention and helps you start a habit. Cues are more likely to shape your behavior if they are obvious and if they catch your attention. Putting it in front of you can lead to reminders. If you want a habit to be a part of your life, make the cue a part of your environment. 

  1. Craving – Make it attractive 

By using a commitment device, we can train ourselves to adopt a new mindset that attracts the things we desire. Remember what that new habit will help you achieve. 

  1. Response – Make it simpler and more convenient 

The craving prompts you to take action. This becomes easier over time! 

  1. Reward – Make it satisfying 

The ultimate strategy is to build a collection of habits that move you toward the direction of your desired outcome

We believe that success starts with an elegant commitment. It all starts with you, and you have the power within.

We Bond is an intentional jewelry company and community that empowers you to stay accountable and committed to your growth and success. Your Bond ring is a symbol of the aspirations, dedication, and achievements burning inside of you. 

Shop your Bond ring and engrave it so that it serves as a beautiful daily reminder. 

Let it fuel your inspiration and light your path to success.

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Kalu Ndukwe Kalu

The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.